This webinar will help you set a fee schedule that actually WORKS for your law firm whether you currently charge flat fees, you WANT to transition to flat fees, or you need to structure a hybrid flat fee/hourly practice that incorporates all of your practice areas.

You'll Learn:

  • How much—if any—should you ask for upfront (and what it has to do with how much you are able to charge).

  • Data you can look at RIGHT NOW in your Profit and Loss statement that will objectively tell you if you are not charging enough.

  • What your STAFF should be doing to “prime the prospect” to have an experience that’s worthy of paying a higher fee than the attorney down the street.

  • How to determine if you should be billing on an hourly or flat fee basis—and what to charge for your flat fee if you decide to make the shift.

Whether your goal is to raise your fees in the months ahead or maybe just stop shorting yourself (YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE… you lower your prices because you feel bad, you’re worried the client will find someone cheaper, you’re not sure you have the experience to charge more, etc.), this webinar is something you want to see.